RSF's 2025 Campaigns Spotlight the Plight of Imprisoned Vietnamese Journalist Pham Doan Trang
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has unveiled its priority campaigns for 2025, focusing on grave threats to press freedom and the
The Vietnam Briefing, which is released every Monday morning Vietnam time, looks at Vietnam’s social and political developments of the past week.
Vietnam court holds appeal trial of two land rights activists
Another Vietnamese soldier dies due to suspected bullying in the camp
Vietnamese fishermen protest a construction project blocking access to the sea
China tightens border with Vietnam, casting a shadow over Hanoi’s economic recovery
“China has tightened its land border with Vietnam amid worries over the omicron variant of COVID-19, dealing a blow to trade from the Southeast Asian country as it battles to get its economy back on track in the face of the pandemic.
Beijing informed Vietnam on Thursday that foreign drivers would be barred from crossing the border between the two countries from Friday due to a request from Chinese health authorities, with similar measures also affecting China's borders with Myanmar and Laos. China is Vietnam's second-largest export market and its biggest source of imports.
The move comes after Hu Suojin, an economic and commercial counselor at China's embassy in Vietnam, said on Monday that Beijing needs to restrict trade flows through regional borders to prevent the coronavirus from spreading ahead of "big events" in the next few months. The Lunar New Year holiday is coming up in February and Beijing is preparing to host the Winter Olympics in the same month.”
Vietnam Takes Philippines’ Spot as Worst Place to Be in Covid
“Vietnam was once regarded as a success story in containing Covid-19, reporting only a handful of daily cases for the entire first year of the pandemic. Now it’s fallen to the bottom of Bloomberg’s Covid Resilience Ranking in December, replacing the Philippines, after a protracted delta outbreak caused deaths to spike and clouded its economic outlook.
The country’s infection rate is hitting records, with more than 10,000 cases a day for the past month, running counter to the rest of Southeast Asia where the virus has started to ebb. More than 200 deaths from Covid-19 are reported every day.”
Vietnam Insight: Learn more about Vietnam
Revealed: the secret 'forced labour' migration route from Vietnam to the UK
The Guardian/ Milivoje Pantović for N1 Television in Belgrade, Ifang Bremer, Lam Le and Peter Bengtsen/ December 25
“An Observer investigation has found that Serbia and Romania are being used as new gateways to Europe for smuggling and trafficking gangs who are using guest worker visa programmes to transport large numbers of Vietnamese workers into eastern Europe. There they are often exploited in factories and construction sites before some are transported across land borders into the EU and, eventually, to the UK.
At all stages along the way, Vietnamese workers are highly likely to fall into forced labour or debt bondage, often charged up to £30,000 for passage to the UK.”
In Vietnam, 'feeding the police' just a cost of doing business
Al Jazeera/ December 23
“For many shop owners and street vendors in Hanoi, greasing the palms of local law enforcement on a regular basis, known colloquially as “nuôi công an” or “feeding the police”, is just another cost of doing business.
Vietnam was ranked 104 out of 180 countries in last year’s Corruption Perceptions Index compiled by Transparency International, a Berlin-based nonprofit that combats global corruption, with a score of 36 out of 100, where 100 is considered most clean. The police are widely perceived as among the most corrupt sectors in the country.”
Rising worry about risks Vietnam's 'container people' take for a new life in Europe
RFA/ Giang Nguyen, Hoa Ai Tran/ December 18
“Though experts say that the majority of illegal Vietnamese migrants are men, they acknowledge the risk of exploitation, and sexual exploitation, affects women in particular, and not just once they have reached Germany but during the long journey across Europe. Yet many illegal migrants do not see themselves as victims, but rather focus on their dreams for a better life, said Viet.
“There are many dangers along the way. Especially for women. On the way here, many people have gone missing. It could be that their organs are stolen. Many of the women are separated from their group so that the roadmen at the various stages along the way can assault them, can do all kinds of things with them. But migrants still accept that risk so they keep coming.”
Language Policy and Education in Southeast Asia
The Diplomat/ Rawl Maliwat/ December 23
“Given that language is a major marker of cultural identity, most of the fledgling Southeast Asian states found the continued use of a colonial language to be anathemic to the project of building a national identity. But replacing them with Southeast Asian languages was a complex process. In those with clear ethnic majorities such as Cambodia and Vietnam, the process could be more straightforward, but for other countries the problem of choosing which language became a point of tension. Toward the turn of the millennium, all of these countries would also begin to contend with the increasing prominence of English in world affairs.”
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